
The Resilience Toolkit

Bojilova, Alia

A peak-performance psychologist and coach on the simple steps anybody can take to unlock your full potential and achieve your best with calm and control.

We assume that heroes are wired differently from the rest of us. They overcome fear, doubt and pain to thrive under the most challenging conditions. But the only difference between them and us is resilience – the ability to dig deep and be curious enough to explore life at the edge of possibility.

In this practical guide to building and sustaining your own resilience, peak-performance psychologist Dr Alia Bojilova draws on her work with the SAS, Olympic athletes, contemporary leaders and successful entrepreneurs to help you unlock your potential in everyday life.

Guiding readers through a four-step process – to develop clearer Awareness, deeper Belonging, broader Curiosity, and stronger Drive – The Resilience Toolkit is a proven playbook to embracing the unknown with greater confidence. Free yourself from fear, understand your demons and drivers, re-anchor your purpose and recover faster from setbacks.

Resilience is not a trait or a given, but the result of a series of small decisions on how you engage with each moment. The real measure is whether you choose to discover what you’re capable of. So: will you?
